Our Vision as an Institution

The Vision of the Dominican Institute is to strive to be a centre of excellence for quality humanitarian, managerial, and technological education of her graduates.


In affiliation with Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

The Dominican Institute, in affiliation with Duquesne University, offers a Masters program in the field of Theology. The M.A. degree program is a non-specialized or non-specific program, that is, candidates do not specialize in one specific area of theology but rather take courses in all branches of theology particularly in the area of Scripture, Moral and Systematic Theology. Thus, the degree awarded at the end of the program is a M.A. Theology certificate. Having considered its multiple benefits, the Institute prefers the non-specialized M.A. program over the specialized M.A. program, which is what obtains in many institutions. Among its many benefits, the non-specialized M.A. program gives the candidate a firmer grasp and a wider vision of theology before branching off to a more specific area at a more advanced level. Thus, candidates are better equipped, that is, have more theological resources at their disposal to engage in rigorous theological discourse. The course content of the programme has been specifically designed with emphasis on research, lecture, seminar, and discussion methods. The Institute’s deliberate policy to avoid over-population makes it possible for students and lecturers to participate actively in these exercises.