Safeguarding is the responsibility that an organization has to ensure that their employees and volunteers, partners, vendors, operations and programmes do no harm to children, young people or vulnerable adults (referred to as ‘vulnerable people’); that they do not expose them to the risk of discrimination, neglect, harm and abuse; and that any concerns the organization has about the safety of vulnerable people within the communities in which they work, are dealt with and reported to the appropriate authorities. It is also the responsibility that the organization has for protecting its employees and volunteers when they are vulnerable, for example, when ill or at risk of harm or abuse.
The purpose of this policy and associated procedures is to provide clarity to ALL on how they should engage with children, young people and vulnerable adults. It is also to help us make sure that employees, volunteers and other representatives are protected. It is intended to help us to have a common understanding of safeguarding issues, develop good practice across the diverse and complex areas in which we operate and thereby increase accountability in this crucial aspect of our work. Whilst it is recognized that local legislation may vary from country to country, this policy identifies minimum standards.