Graduates Admission

For admission into the M.A Theology program of the Dominican Institute, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:
- Student must possess at least five credit at O, Level including English Language.
- Possess at least a second class lower degree, ordinarily the D.I B.Th in Theology;
- A score of at least 55% (C+) in the Dominican Institute compulsory courses or their equivalents elsewhere
- A practical knowledge of Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
- A reading knowledge of one modern language besides English as stated in as above
- If there is any question about no. 2, the Dominican Institute may examine the candidate’s knowledge in the areas in question.
- If the candidate’s first degree is not in theology, the candidate must first take at least two years of preliminary courses in theology, in addition to certain core philosophy courses (if these are lacking), as the Admissions Board shall work out in each case.
- In the absence of any satisfactory evidence regarding no. 3 and 4, the Dominican Institute shall conduct and examination in the language.
The Program has an ordinary duration of two (2) to four (4) semesters of course work/seminar presentations. Candidates without any background in theology will be required to undertake a minimum of four semesters course work in theology and philosophy prior to enrolling in the M.A. program proper. This requirement may be fulfilled through closely supervised distance learning program. The M.A. program must be done in loco given that it is largely a seminar-based program.
Last Friday in October of New Academic Year Modern language examination for those who have not met requirements First Friday in November Submission of Thesis proposal to the Head of Department. Failure or delay in submitting may entail being dropped from the M.A. programme. Please collect the format for submission from the office of the Head of Department. Last Wednesday and Friday in November Resit of Comprehensive Examination for candidates who failed the June Comprehensive Exams. December Academic Board announces decision on thesis proposals Last Wednesday and Friday of June (of the Academic Year) Comprehensive Exams. October of the Following Year Thesis due for submission. Delay in submitting will require registration and payment for another session.
To be awarded the M.A. degree, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:
- A total of 30 credit units of course work comprising 6 in Systematic Theology, 6 in Historical Theology, 6 in Moral Theology, 3 units in Old Testament, 3 units in New Testament, and 6 units for the M.A. dissertation;
- Write and pass at the end of the program a comprehensive examination in Old Testament, New Testament, Systematic Theology and Moral Theology. The results will be graded by examiners at Duquesne and at the Institute
- The maximum number of years for writing and submitting a Dissertation is four (4) years. At the expiration of this period, a candidate will need to apply to the Academic Board of the Institute for an extension. It is the prerogative of the Board to grant this request or not and to set new conditions.
- The program will be deemed inconclusive if a candidate fails to submit his/her Dissertation as at when due and hence will not be qualified to receive any certificate.